Breathe Easy: The Best Air-Purifying Indoor Plants for your Home or Office
Gardening Tips and TricksThere are studies into the benefits of having plants in your home or in your office. For instance, the presence of greenlife can reduce negative moods or feelings of stress by up to 6% in short meaning you buy 100 indoor plants and you feel 600% more amazing, simple science.
This month at Everything About Garden we thought we would highlight some of our brilliant indoor products to bring joy from outside to inside.
The Ficus Elastica Burgundy: A Stylish Air Purifier for your Home Office
Ficus elastic Burgundy, also known as the rubber plant, is more than just a visually appealing addition to your space. It is known for its ability to remove formaldehyde, a common indoor air pollutant. With our tidy 200mm Ficus you can dress it up in our wonderful pot range, pop it in the corner of the room or perhaps on a desk and watch it flourish. What we love so much about this Ficus is its brilliant burgundy shoots as it starts it growing journey. A true classic.
Breathe Easy with Low-Maintenance Air Purifiers: Sansevieria & Calathea
Do you work from home? Have a home office? Research shows that adding plants to your home office can bring about extra productivity increasing effort and enthusiasm in your work, how good is that!
Why not get a Sansevieria trifasciata, a top choice for its ability to remove toxins like benzene, formaldehyde, and trichloroethylene from the air. It’s low-maintenance and doesn’t require frequent watering. Its always something to bounce ideas off between meetings! Spice it up with a Calathea Rattlesnake for something funky to break up the day.
Tropical Vibes & Clean Air: Monstera adansonii & Philodendron Brasil
Do you have a shelf that could do with a bit of colour or maybe a wall that could be softened with something green? We have plenty of climbers that can be used indoors, Monstera adansonii (the cheese plant) is a cracker for the indoors with its heart shaped leaves and distinct cut outs, called fenestrations, its definitely unique and attractive. As the plant matures these patterns have been known to mimic sculptures and transforms any space into a tropical oasis. For that tropic feel try Philodendron Brasil, its striking look and low maintenance making it a great option for underplanting around a larger indoor specimen. The best part? These plants are natural air-purifiers, taking in carbon dioxide and exhaling oxygen. With a hod from NASAs research these plants can improve air quality.
Vibrant Colours, Cleaner Air: Calathea Zebrina & Stromanthe Triostar
The most exciting thing about purifying your air with indoor greenlife is the array of colours and patterns in the leaves you can work with. Calathea Zebrina (zebra plant) is a good place to start! Its zebra like stripes will not only be the addition to sooth your soul after a long drive home, but also helps in absorbing VOCs (volatile organic compounds). Stromanthe tricolour will warm up every room with its striking pinks, greens and white contrast this will make you feel like you are in tropical North Queensland and let all the good vibes roll in.
Your Indoor Oasis: The Benefits of Air-Purifying Plants
Indoor plants do more than just beautify your space. They reduce stress, enhance mood, and improve productivity. They also release oxygen and improve humidity, creating a healthier environment. The best thing about indoor plants is their low-maintenance nature; a water once or twice a week and some indirect sunlight are usually all they need.
Don’t forget to visit our website for more indoor magic. Partner your plants with a range of indoor pots and transform your home or office space into a zen palace. Happy indoor gardening!