What Are the Best Edible Plants You Can Grow Indoors?

Plant Care Guides

Growing edible plants in your apartment for an indoor plants nursery may seem daunting, but it can be done! With careful planning and a little effort, you can easily grow delicious, nutritious fruits and vegetables in the comfort of your own home.

If you don’t have access to a green environment, there are numerous options for producing delicious plants in your home. Consider planting one of these herbs or vegetables when you next need a cooking project.


Basil seeds can be purchased from places that sell gardening supplies, or you can buy young plants already planted and ready to take care of anywhere, including the grocery store. If you’re using seeds, put them in a pot that is 3/4 full of damp soil. 

Wrap the plant in plastic wrap or a plastic bag, then place it somewhere sunny. Once the seeds have started to bloom, the plastic covering can be removed. 

Green Onions 

This one is one of the simple plants to grow in a tiny area. Trim green onions so that no more than an inch of the white root is visible when you next buy them from the grocery store and use them in your cooking. 

Trimmings should be placed in a small jar with one inch of water on a windowsill or other sunny location. You might have to change the container to prevent the onions from going bad as they ripen. 


Ensure the location you select receives the eight hours of sunlight daily that kale requires (but keep the plant out of direct sunlight). You’ll need a growing tray and kale seeds to grow the vegetable. Plant the seeds after adding soil to the tray. Keep the soil damp as they grow. Replant them in a pot filled with fertiliser after they have sprouted. Keep the plants in the sun and the soil moist.


Both sprouts and microgreens from plant suppliers provide health benefits, but microgreens are more nutrient-dense since they have grown for a bit longer. Microgreen seeds come in various varieties, including broccoli, beet, celery, lettuce, and mustard. You require a container not too deep to plant and cultivate the microgreens (though any width would work). 

You’ll also need some dirt to fill the container about 3/4 of the way. After being spread over the moist dirt, the seeds are gently pressed into it. Cover the tray with a lid or plastic bag to add more moisture. When the seeds begin to sprout, spritz the soil with a spray bottle to keep it moist.


A versatile plant, mint can be used to flavour alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks. It is suggested to grow mint from an established plant rather than from seeds because it is easier to care for. To get this, take a sprig of mint from a mint plant and cut it off about 6 inches below the bloom. 

Put the stem in a water-filled container and let it wilt until roots appear. Place the sprig in a little dirt-filled pot, give it some shade, and water it occasionally.


If you want to cultivate peas indoors, you will need a tiny trellis or stakes for when the pea vines begin to develop. One pea seed should be planted first in a four to a six-inch container. Place the plant near a window and water it frequently, but watch for any potential overheating of the peas. Add a stake or a trellis to each pot after the peas are mature so the vines can support themselves by wrapping around them. Pea pods will grow after a few months; when they appear ready, you can harvest them.


To begin, ask a friend or relative for a rosemary twig because rosemary seeds, like mint seeds, might take some time to sprout. Put the sprig in a container with water after you have it, and watch for roots to appear. You can transfer the plant to a pot with loose soil after it has roots. Placing the plant near a window is fine, but wait to water it until the top inch of the soil feels dry.


Growing edible plants in your apartment is not only a great way to get fresh, organic produce into your diet, but it can also provide a calming and rewarding experience. You don’t need much space or a green thumb to get started. Plenty of options exist for small-space gardening, such as container gardens, vertical gardens, and windowsill gardens. You can easily turn your apartment into a thriving edible garden with the right wholesale plants online and patience.


The first online marketplace for plant wholesalers, Everything About Garden, allows you to purchase any plants you require directly from farmers, whether you need them for a business or just your household. Get wholesale plants online today!

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