5 Common Reasons Why Your Houseplants Might Be Dying

Plant Care Guides

Why do my houseplants keep dying? This is a question that many indoor gardeners ask. It can be frustrating when your plants keep dying, especially if you’re new to indoor gardening. In many cases, gardeners are mystified by exactly why their beloved plant died.

The good news is that plants usually die for a specific reason. Most of the time, houseplants die because of a few common factors, depending on the plant’s species. Here are some common causes of a houseplant’s death. 

1) Overwatering and Poor Drainage

Overwatering is one of the most common reasons why houseplants die. When the roots of a plant are constantly wet, they can’t get the oxygen they need to survive. This can cause the roots to rot, which will eventually kill the plant.

To avoid overwatering your plants, make sure to check the soil before watering. The soil should be dry to the touch before you water the plant again. It’s also a good idea to invest in a moisture meter, which will help you know when the soil is dry enough to water.

2) Underwatering

Similarly, underwatering is another common mistake that people make when caring for houseplants. When a plant doesn’t get enough water, the leaves will start to turn brown and wilt. The plant may also stop growing.

This is mainly caused by neglect, so it’s likely that people who let their plants die from lack of water just don’t care.

3) Not Enough Light and Fertilizer

If you make sure your plant is getting enough water and drainage, it can be adaptable to many different conditions. Even if the lighting isn’t perfect or the temperature isn’t ideal, a plant with a healthy root system can usually survive.

Plants are a lot like houses in that they both need a strong foundation to thrive. Just like you need to provide the ideal amount of light and fertilizer for your plants, you also need to do the same for your house. If you can do both of these things, then your plants and your house will both thrive.

4) Not Repotting

All plants need to be repotted every now and then. This is because the roots of a plant grow and expand over time. If you don’t repot your plant, it will eventually become pot-bound.

Root-bound plants, in particular, are a common problem for plant owners. When a plant becomes root-bound, it means that the roots have become too large for the pot and have started to circle around the inside of the pot. If you think your plant might be root-bound, you should repot it into a larger pot.

The roots will start to wrap around the bottom of the pot and the sides of the pot. This can cause the plant to become stunted and can even kill the plant.

5) Not Replacing the Soil

The soil in your plant’s pot will eventually become depleted of nutrients. This is why it’s important to replace the soil every now and then. You can do this by either adding new soil to the pot or by completely replacing the old soil with new soil.

If you choose to add new soil to the pot, you should make sure that the new soil is a good quality potting mix. You should also make sure that the new soil is mixed in with the old soil so that the roots can easily access the nutrients in the new soil.


For your plants to thrive, it’s important that you take good care of them. This includes watering them regularly, fertilizing them, and making sure that they have the right amount of light. 

If you want to start caring for indoor plants, Everything About Garden can help. We have a plethora of sturdy indoor plants that can liven up your indoor space. Take a look at our website to see it for yourself.

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