Some of the Scientifically-Backed Benefits of Indoor Plants

Plant Care Guides

Indoor plants have long been used to add warmth and colour to homes and offices, but did you know that they can also positively affect our mental and physical health? Studies have shown that there are numerous scientifically-backed benefits of having indoor plants.

If you are curious to know about these benefits, look no further than our examples below.

1. They Can Help Reduce Stress

Plants in the house or workplace have been shown to have a calming effect on people, according to research published in the Journal of Physiological Anthropology.

Participants in the study were assigned one of two tasks: repotting a houseplant or performing a short computer-based exercise. Stress-related biological indicators, such as heart rate and blood pressure, were monitored after each task.

They discovered that people’s stress responses were reduced while working on the indoor gardening assignment. Although the study’s participants were young men who were accustomed to working with computers, they still experienced an increase in heart rate and blood pressure while performing the computer task.

Scientists came to the conclusion that interacting with plants helped relieve stress on multiple levels.

2. They Can Help You Concentrate Better

Plastic plants, unfortunately, will not help you pass your examinations. Twenty-three students participated in the study, which compared the effects of having a fake plant, a genuine plant, a photograph of a plant, or none at all in the classroom.

In this study, pupils exposed to real, living plants in the classroom had much higher levels of focus and attention than those who were not.

3. They Can Be Therapeutic

Indoor gardening can be therapeutic for those struggling with the effects of mental illness.

Gardening as therapy has been used to help patients with mental health issues like depression, anxiety, and dementia feel better.

Although horticultural treatment has been practised for centuries, its modern manifestation may be seen in Manchester, England, where doctors are “prescribing” potted plants to patients suffering from depression and anxiety.

4. They Have the Potential to Speed Up Healing

The healing process can be aided by spending time in the company of plants and flowers when you’re recovering from an illness, injury, or operation.

According to a meta-analysis conducted in 2002, patients recovering from various surgical procedures exposed to views of natural environments required less pain medication and spent less time in the hospital.

Most studies have been conducted in hospitals, so it’s crucial to keep that in mind while thinking about the benefits of having plants and a natural environment at home.

5. They Could Increase Productivity

You never know, but a bromeliad could become your favourite office plant ever.

Plants have been shown to boost productivity and creativity in the workplace in a number of different studies. Students at a college computer lab worked 12% quicker and reported feeling less anxious when plants were placed nearby, according to a research from 1996 that has been quoted often.

In a study conducted in 2004, participants were asked to think of unusual connections between words. When a plant was present, productivity increased.

A 2007 study also found that workers who had access to live plants in their offices were less likely to call in sick and more likely to get things done.

6. They Have Been Shown to Improve a Worker’s Mood

Anyone would be happier at work with a city park view, but it might surprise you to hear that a single plant on a window sill might have the same effect.

More than 440 Amazon employees in India and the United States were interviewed for this study. Employees whose workplaces had natural features, such as indoor plants, reported higher levels of job satisfaction and loyalty to the company than those without such components.

Scientists found that being exposed to nature mitigated the negative impacts of stress and anxiety from the workplace.


Having plants inside your home or office is beneficial in numerous ways. They improve air quality, reduce stress, and add a touch of beauty to any living space. Indoor plants can also improve your mood, add more to your productivity, and even help you heal fast.

With all these scientifically-backed benefits, it’s no wonder that having plants around is so popular. They are an easy and affordable way to upgrade your living space and an enjoyable way to bring a little bit of nature into your home.

If you are looking for a great source of cheap indoor plants in Sydney, look no further than our selections here at Everything About Garden. We are the first plant wholesalers online marketplace where you can buy any plants you need directly from growers, whether it’s wholesale or simply for your home. Check out our Indoor Plants section for more of our amazing greens and their prices.

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