Hardy & Resilient: Top 6 Low-Maintenance Indoor Plants That Thrive on Neglect

Plant Care Guides

Are you someone who forgets what day of the week it is and can’t recall what you had for dinner last night? Forgetfulness is annoying — but it shouldn’t stop you from adorning your indoor spaces with stunning houseplants.

The solution here is to opt for low-maintenance indoor plants, so even if you forget to water or feed them at times, they don’t mind. In short, go for sturdy varieties that can handle a little neglect.

In that regard, keep your pot all set as we go discover the top 6 low-maintenance indoor plants that you will see healthy and thriving even when you don’t give them extra attention!

1. Snake Plant

Snake plant, also called Sansevieria — or affectionately referred to as ‘mother-in-law’s tongue’ — is a succulent with thick leaves. As such, it can store water in its body, hence easing your watering responsibilities.

The snake plant is visually aesthetic, acts as an excellent air purifier, and is relatively inexpensive. It can go without care for up to 3 weeks. This makes it perfect for rookies, forgetful seasoned gardeners, and 3-week vacationers alike!

Plant Requirements & Care

Water: Once a month

Light: Indirect sunlight or even dimly-lit indoor spaces (direct sunlight can scorch it)

Soil: Free-draining soil mix with an all-purpose fertilizer monthly during the growing season (April to August) 

Watch out for: Pets

2. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera plants are known for their succulent leaves containing a soothing gel for cuts, burns, and even face and hair masks. The best part is that aloe vera is a versatile, easy-to-grow plant that does not demand attention — in fact, it hates it and is better off on its own.

Additionally, it does not need too much watering and can make do with the level of humidity within your home. In fact, aloe vera prefers drier soil and does not enjoy sitting in water. If you’re repotting the plant, give the roots a few days to settle in before watering.

Plant Requirements & Care

Water: Once a month (make sure the soil is completely dry before watering)

Light: Bright, indirect light, preferably near a sunny window

Soil: Sandy soil with a phosphorus fertilizer applied yearly 

Watch out for: Pets

3. ZZ Plant

ZZ plants (Zamioculcas zamiifolia) are arguably the toughest indoor plants and especially ideal if you’re a first-timer. With glossy leaves and long stems, these gorgeous, sturdy plants can adorn your interior like no other.

However, ZZ plants have slow growth rates, so you’ll have to be patient with them. This is also one of the reasons why they’re priced slightly higher than other houseplants.

Plant Requirements & Care

Water: Once a month, with completely dry soil between watering sessions (remember, ZZ hates too much water)

Light: Low light — even fluorescent lighting will suffice

Soil: Well-draining potting mix with a monthly liquid fertilizer during the growing season (April to August) 

Watch out for: Pets

4. Philodendron

Philodendron, a flowering plant, is a favourite amongst interior landscape specialists. Its resistance to harsh conditions makes it perfect for offices and hallways. 

The most common types of philodendrons used for interior spaces are climbing ones (featuring deep green, heart-shaped leaves) and upright ones (featuring larger leaves while occupying less space).

The cool part about growing them is that they have indicators to tell you what they need. Don’t confuse them with Pothos, though — they may look similar but are a different species.

Plant Requirements & Care

Water: Once a week — the leaves will droop when the plants need more water

Light: Bright, indirect light — yellow leaves depict too much light, large gaps between leaves mean too little light

Soil: Loose, well-drained soil with liquid food fertilizer applied thrice a year — small leaves depict the plants need a food boost 

Watch out for: Pets

5. Cactus

Cacti belong to the family of succulents, so you can expect them to snag all the water from their pot and store it within themselves for good. This makes it important not to overwater them.

They’re available in a range of sizes, colors, and shapes, so you have plenty of options to choose from. The main types of cacti include Desert cacti and Forest cacti. The former are spineless, which makes them more suitable to grow indoors.

Cacti’s resistance to death makes them ideal for first-time plant parents and as housewarming gifts. 

Plant Requirements & Care

Water: Once a month, allowing the soil to dry in between watering sessions

Light: 4 to 6 hours of bright, indirect light daily

Soil: Porous, sandy soil with a 5-10-10 fertilizer applied every 8 weeks during spring and summer

Watch out for: Nothing in particular

6. Aglaonema

Owing to their tolerance to moist, dry, and low-light conditions, Aglaonema is perfect for plant parents who are always on the go. Its appearance is vividly colorful and vibrant, making the perfect pop of color for dull indoor spaces.

Additionally, it has exceptional air-purifying properties and comes in several different varieties. Spring Snow Aglaonema is a famous favourite, featuring leaves that look like they’ve been sprinkled with snow.

Plant Requirements & Care

Water: Once every two weeks to keep the soil moist, while letting the soil dry in between

Light: Prefer bright, indirect light, but also do well in low-light conditions

Soil: Peat-based potting soil with a balanced houseplant fertilizer applied when the soil is damp (best during spring and summer)

Watch out for: Pets

Low-Maintenance Plants For The Win!

Green houseplants adorn indoor spaces, clean the air by adding oxygen, and increase humidity. And your forgetfulness shouldn’t stop you from availing these benefits. 

In that regard, the top 6 low-maintenance plants listed in this blog post are exactly what you need — if you’re ready to purchase your own, visit our online store to place your order so we can send you the plant(s) of your choice right at your doorstep!

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