What to plant in Autumn in Sydney
Seasonal GardeningAutumn is probably one of the best times of the year. The weather is changing, the humidity starts to disappear, and maybe the need to pull out an extra blanket at for the cooler nights. When you look up at the trees their autumn leaves have started to change colour displaying amazing crisp orange and red hues ready for their winter dormancy.
To the everyday person this would seem like a bad time to think about re-planting their gardens or perhaps renovating their landscape. As real green thumbs we know that this far from the truth! The Autumn season in Sydney is perhaps THE BEST time to plant and re-invent your garden. With the changing weather, the days have started to become cooler, however below the surface the soil is still holding onto that summer warmth with believe it or not is great for roots to grow! The nights are cool without dropping too low that we may have to worry about frost and of course there is no need to deal with 40C+ days that could potentially stress our new planting to the point of no return. The real question is, WHAT do you plant in Sydney in autumn? The simple answer is pretty much anything!
Simple Shrubs
Everything from Syzygium australe Resilience to Murraya Paniculata ‘Orange Jasmine’ and even Gardenia augusta varieties would love to be planted into a nice fresh garden in the autumn. They will have enough time to push their roots into that nice warm soil creating an amazing autumn colour palette before it goes too cold and then watch them shoot in the spring when it warms up again.
Instant WOW
You will notice the Tibouchina Alstonville out in full bloom in autumn they are impressive if you are looking to make your garden pop with stunning autumn colours as the seasons change, this purple flowering tree makes for a surprisingly good pot shrub to light up a courtyard, balcony or front door.
Other classics like Camellia japonica, with its lush deep green foliage absolutely love the autumn and will give your garden beautiful bursts of white colour that will make heads turn.
Delightful deciduous
Even though they are almost ready for their winter snooze don’t be afraid to plant a nice autumn specimen tree in your garden this autumn. These autumn trees will then have time to really get their feet into that soil and establish in the garden. Don’t be afraid to see them drop leaves instantly it will all be fine in those later winter days when the flowers start to pop on your Cherry Blossoms, Pyrus or Acer.
Available Annuals
The autumn season is the perfect time to switch out your spent summer colour for some annuals to lift the mood when the days are short, consider the traditional Viola and Pansy mix for their range of colours. For something else in your planters try some Dianthus or even the magnificent Snap Dragons … you won’t be sorry.
Veggie Patch
What a time to be a veggie gardener! So much choice in our store anything from basil to oregano, sage and dill. Get them in now and you will thank me when your winter dishes taste all that sweeter!
We also have our ever popular Curry Tree in stock, where the foliage can be used to add flavour to your winter curries and stews. Don’t look past our Olive Europaea trees which if grown in a hot microclimate will produce tasty fruit in no time.
Its best to enjoy the Autumn season and weather, soak in that sun and enjoy your garden, there is so much to be done, weed feed and trim, plant and reinvent you won’t regret it!